
2019年1月30日—Sans就是SansSerif(無襯線體)的簡稱,而-etica的結尾應該是在命名上想要致敬知名字體Helvetica,讓大家更知道這是一套字型的名稱。在整體框架上是向 ...,Thefontworksusingprinciplesofpsychology,fusedwithtypedesign,tocreateaconditionknownas'desirabledifficulty'–obstructionstothelearning ...,由MJHuff著作·2022·被引用1次—Collectively,ourfindingsthatSansForgeticayieldsnobenefitsoncorrectorfals...

記憶吐司字型:提升記憶力的Sans Forgetica 該怎麼評價?

2019年1月30日 — Sans 就是Sans Serif(無襯線體)的簡稱,而-etica 的結尾應該是在命名上想要致敬知名字體Helvetica,讓大家更知道這是一套字型的名稱。在整體框架上是向 ...

Sans Forgetica

The font works using principles of psychology, fused with type design, to create a condition known as 'desirable difficulty' – obstructions to the learning ...

Distinctive Sans Forgetica font does not benefit memory ...

由 MJ Huff 著作 · 2022 · 被引用 1 次 — Collectively, our findings that Sans Forgetica yields no benefits on correct or false memories within the DRM paradigm provide further evidence ...

Sans Forgetica Font

2023年11月5日 — In 2018 RMIT University announced a new font: Sans Forgetica is a font that has been scientifically designed using principles of psychology to ...

Sans forgetica

Sans forgetica is a variation of a sans-serif typeface, claimed to assist students in retaining the information which they read. Two years after its release ...

Free font Sans Forgetica by RMIT University

Sans Forgetica was created by a multidisciplinary team of designers and behavioural scientists from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.

Previously claimed memory boosting font “Sans Forgetica”…

2020年5月29日 — A font called Sans Forgetica was designed to enhance people's memory for information displayed in that font—compared to reading information ...

Sans Forgetica Font

Sans Forgetica is a font designed using the principles of cognitive psychology to help you to better remember your study notes.

Sans Forgetica

2018年10月26日 — A new font released by RMIT could help people remember more of what they read as thousands of students begin to study for exams. Researchers and ...